Who's Mr.Sami Ben Romdhane

Senior Director, Platform infrastructure & Tools at eBay

Sami is a Tunsian entrepreneur and founder of two startups in the Silicon Valley that were both successfully acquired by Symantec Corp and BEA Systems (now part of Oracle). He is currently a Senior Director of Technology at eBay. He graduated from ENSI (Ecole Nationale des sciences de l'informatique) in 1988 with a Masters in CS and had a first career in France working for Winsoft, developer of Mac Software and then joined Apple Computer Europe and was in charge of the Mac Software Development in EMEA region. He then was relocated to Cupertino.CA, headquarter of Apple Computer to work on portions of the Mac Operating Systems. He founded his first startup in 1996 in Palo Alto,CA building one the first WYSIWYG HTML editors for Mac sold to Symantec Java division. In 2000 he founded M7 a middlware software company sold in 2005 to BEA Systems. Sami is a well known and respected Tunisian blogger since 2006 who stayed in touch with his country and is a champion of freedom of expression. He also created a Tunisian Twitter aggreagator site tnlabs.org that was one of the most popular destinations for Tunisians during the revolution.

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